South African Woman Kills 3 Daughters

Court charges Dr. Lauren Dickason, with killing her three daughters, days after moving to New Zealand for a new life. There is an allegation that Lauren Dickason, 40, a South African woman kills 3 daughters of hers. They were her twin girls Maya and Karla, two, and their older sister Liane, six. The tragedy took place at their home in Timaru, New Zealand on Thursday September 16, 2021. According to reports, she may have been under stress after quarantine moving from South Africa to New Zealand.

A woman has been charged after two-year-old twins Karla and Maya Dickason and their six-year-old sister Liane were found dead in Timaru. Photo / Supplied

The neighbours of the couple, who want to remain anonymous, wonder if quarantining had affected Dickason’s mental health. According to netwerk24.com, the neighbours say that the couple had only recently moved to New Zealand from South Africa. Also, they absolutely adored those children and were so grateful for having them because it took them years to get. That when they finally got the children, they loved and cherished them. Days before the death of the children, the couple just came out from a 14-day stay in a quarantine hotel. Reports have it that Dickason previously shared a social media post in March 2021. In that post, the discussion was on the mental health of celebrities. You can read Providers for Healthy Living here.

She wrote: “Unfortunately we live in a world where if you break a bone everyone comes to sign the cast. But, if you tell people you’re depressed, they run the other way.”

Doctor Lauren Dickason made a post about her beautiful children on May 1 2021. It reads: “What an adventure. We have truly created a beautiful family and had many good times together. “May the next years be more blessed, happier and may the kids let us sleep.” From the reports, it is obvious that something doesn’t seem right.

Neighbours Speak on South African Woman Kills 3 Daughters

One of the neighbours says: “Something just doesn’t seem right to us. We don’t know what happened. There is not a lot of information, but they are kind people.”

Some say that something just doesn’t add up. They don’t know if it’s the stress from New Zealand or moving there. Being in quarantine for so long and everything – just not coping with that going on. “So, I think whatever happened is not normal, it wasn’t normal circumstances.”

One of another couple neighbour describes the event as ” feeling like my heart had dropped into my stomach.” However, this follows after learning of the events that had unfolded the night before. Jade and Rob Whaley describe hearing ‘distressed crying’ of the night in Timaru as homicides. Then, the couple told News they have “no inclination” of the incidence.

Other sources have it that three children, two-year-old twins and a six-year-old, were killed following an incident on Thursday night. They add that another person, possibly a woman, was in hospital but now in a stable condition. Also, that those involved had recently arrived from South Africa and had been out of managed isolation the past week. Further, emergency services were called to the property after a person arriving at the Queen Street address called police. Police say the investigation is still in its early stages and they’re working to notify the next of kin.

A former colleague and neighbour, Natasja le Roux also spoke to South Africa Sunday Times. She says the family arrived New Zealand from South Africa to work at a hospital in Timaru a week earlier. However, she cannot comprehend what happened because in her opinion, Lauren is a medical doctor and isn’t arrogant or the like. In other words, she is very humble.

Family Members React on South African Woman Kills 3 Daughters

The children’s grandparents in South Africa are struggling to come to terms with their deaths, reports news outlet Stuff. Those who knew the family in South Africa say Mrs. Dickason was the “nicest” person.

As police finished their scene examination of the house, they handed it back to the grieving father of the girls. Detective Inspector Scott Anderson says that the examination of the scene was completed on Saturday night. Then, Graham took back the possession of the property. Family’s ex-caregiver says “I am shattered and not coping with the news”. Also, family and friends in South Africa say they’re in shock over the death

Furthermore, the South African family completed two weeks in managed isolation before traveling to Timaru. Graham, an orthopedic surgeon, has a job offer with the South Canterbury District Health Board there. Following that, him and his wife arrived New Zealand previous month with their daughters LianĂ©-6, and twins Maya and Karla-2. The three daughters lost their lives in a tragic manner which is still a mystery which no one can explain. Anna Leask, senior journalist, Crime and Justice says: “A relative of the bereaved will arrive in New Zealand to support him.”

Some Results From New Zealand Crime Investigations

The Herald contacts the body that runs managed isolation in the country. This is the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. However, it is to know how long Graham will have to wait to see his late daughters in person.

They say: “The investigation team gets really invested in finding the truth and obtaining supporting material as to what happened. And, it is only once the dust settles that we need to ensure the wrap-around is there and being effective.”

Anderson, the officer in charge of the triple homicide investigation, met the grieving father. He says the investigation into the alleged triple murder was far from over. Alongside gathering relevant information for the prosecution, the coroner may also open an inquiry.

Further, Anderson explains that once it goes from the front page of the paper there is huge amount of work. Also, this continues to go on as it moves through various prosecution phases. Initially, from Thursday night through to Monday they had approximately 30 officers on the investigation. However, as of Tuesday this was scaled back to a team of about 15. Nevertheless, any funeral details for the slain sisters are still pending. Meanwhile, the specific details of their deaths isn’t reported by the Herald. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, only a few people were present. They include Judge Dominic Dravitzki, duty defence lawyer Kelly Beazley, Crown prosecutor Andrew McCrae, Anderson, and Detective Senior Sergeant Richard Quested. Then, members of the media.

Furthermore, Lauren Dickason said nothing when she appeared in court for the first time. However, she is now in a secure mental health unit. She would remain until the next court appearance on October 5 2021.  These were reports from the New Zealand Herald.

A neighbour, Jade Whaley also spoke to 1 News. She says that she and her husband Rob had been watching television at home on the night of the incident. Then, she heard “a noise, like a sort of moan” at around 9.40pm and went outside to investigate.

According to her, it was more like a bit of a wail and a bit of a moan by someone. Then, there was the crying but it was later on; quite a cry of distress. Further, Jade said she then heard a bang which “sounded to me like someone kicking a car”. On the other hand, Rob says it’s like the “slamming of a door, something similar to that”.

Thereafter, the Whaley’s once again went to investigate before returning home after hearing silence. “We started hearing more of this moaning and to me, it sounded like someone being distressed and crying,” Jade said. “There was absolutely no yelling or screaming or any noises or anything like that apart from the wailing. Then, the crying got more intensified as time went on. Rob added: “I thought I heard, ‘What have I done?’ in amongst the wailing. The couple then saw a neighbour had returned home. Then, the neighbour was “speaking to a person from next door” and consoling him as the person called the police.

Officers arrived at the scene several minutes later. “There was a fella who was really distressed,” Rob said. “It pretty much unfolded from there. We never thought of murder last night but thought it was a domestic issue. Also, we witnessed a woman who was bent over and was being supported as she was taken in an ambulance. Then, a man was seen being taken away in a police car.”


The bereaved Dad cries out: ‘is this really happening?’ after finding bodies of his three daughters. A week after the murders, Graham Dickason said he forgives his wife. Graham feels she was also a victim in the tragedy. He says: “in particular, the team at the scene has a very difficult job to do. Many of the investigating police have children of their own which makes these sorts of inquiries challenging. Police have welfare support package for all staff that are investigating this homicide. Right from the first responders through the entire investigation team.”

Lauren Anne Dickason (pictured left, with her husband Graham) has been charged with the murder of their three children in New Zealand. Mr Dickason has returned to South Africa, where the family is from

In addition, the South Canterbury District Health Board is also giving him heaps of support. Reports have it that a family member was arriving into New Zealand to support him today. Also, people were spotted delivering flowers to the property, with a hearse in attendance. Going forward, let us watch and see how events unfold to reveal the mystery behind this story of “South African Woman Kills 3 Daughters”.




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